massage therapy & mindful body awareness in seattle

Relax your heart

Let your energy flow


Massage Seattle - Techniques


Hi there! I’m Irene. I am excited to potentially work together with you! The style of bodywork that I offer might be different from what you are used to so please take a look at the descriptions of the work below to see if we sound like a good fit!

I offer 2 approaches: Table massage and Thai massage. Table massage is done on a massage table and it can incorporate: myofascial release, manual lymphatic drainage, acupressure, abdominal massage and mindful body awareness exercises. Thai massage is done on a comfortable mat on the ground. Read below for more details on each modality.

Each session is tailored towards what your body needs in the moment. I use your guidance, my intuition, and listen to what your tissue and energy is telling me. I deeply appreciate the opportunity to help clients; ease tension and stress, enhance the capacity of the body, and to help facilitate more joy and a deeper connection to themselves.



Thai Massage


Thai massage, also referred to as ‘assisted yoga’, is a meditative bodywork form that focuses on both the physical and energy body for increased health and well being.

Using compression, assisted stretching, guided breathing and acupressure points, you will leave feeling deeply relaxed and balanced. More limber!

The holistic approach to both physical and energetic blocks helps ease pain, increase range of motion, and increase circulation so that you may be relieved of low back, shoulder, neck, hip or other chronic or acute areas of pain. If you like deep pressure, I can offer that through Thai massage!

Myofascial Release

Fascia is the connective tissue in the body that encompasses, stabilizes and separates every muscle, bone and organ.

Sometimes fascial tension can build up from repetitive movement patterns, scar tissue or even physical manifestations of past traumas.

As I listen and feel your fascia and nervous system, it guides me to where tension is being held. Then I apply just enough pressure to encourage the fascia to release. This approach is non forceful - I go at a pace where your body is allowing me to go deeper. It can be both gentle and profound.



Healing Abdominal Massage


Your gut - also known as your ‘second brain’ or the enteric nervous system - has a complex mesh like system of neurons that stretch across the digestive tract.

When we have tension in the gut it affects our entire body. This focused approach can be great for folks experiencing issues with digestion, mental health, mensies, fertility, IBS, pelvic floor, bladder and stored past traumas.

This work is nurturing, pain free and can be modified to fit your comfort level. I check in with the fascial layer, the muscular layer, energetic and nervous system layer, and the emotional layer. Whichever layer feels the most potent to you is where we will spend most of our session time.

Mindful Body Awareness

Mindful Body Awareness helps you build inner body awareness so that you can cultivate better self care and emotional regulation in your life.

Mindful Body Awareness exercises help to expand your capacity to be present with yourself, to process pain and stored emotion in the body, and maybe even make room for more self compassion.

This work can be done as a stand alone session or sprinkled in throughout a massage. My role as the practitioner is to guide you inward, compassionately witness and hold space for you, and help you come up with meaningful self care practices based off of your session.



Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD)


Manual Lymphatic Drainage is a gentle and rhythmic massage that softly stimulates your skin in the direction of lymphatic flow.

Enhancing drainage in both the superficial and deep systems of the lymph vascular network, this work is great for folks healing from injury, surgery, and post cancer treatments.

MLD is very relaxing and promotes detoxification, cell regeneration, and supports the immune system.


Acupressure is a modality I include in both Table massage and Thai massage!

I apply pressure on trigger points and energy points that run along the meridian energy lines.

Stimulating these points can help unblock stagnant chi, reduce tension and pain, as well as increase vitality.

